As a member of the Robert Wood Johnson Center for Health and Wellness, I have attended Lee’s tai chi classes for about seven
years. During those years classes have become increasingly popular, growing from 3 or 4 regular participants to as many as 25 students per class.
The Wellness Center’s tai chi classes include a mix of students with various levels of interest in the art and many different reasons
for participating; students with different levels of experience; and students of different ages, degrees of athleticism, and
temperaments. Despite our diversity, Lee is able to conduct classes in which each student is encouraged to participate to the best of his or her ability and at an appropriate level.
Although learning the principles is of primary importance in the class, Lee also provides us with glimpses of what is happening in the greater world of
tai chi, and reminds us of the philosophical and martial bases for the practice.
I’m looking forward to at least another seven years in Lee’s classes.
Susan J.